Fondazione FranceschiFranceschi Foundation ONLUS

For psychological therapy, research and training

Registered Private Association by decree of the President of the Region: n° 4629, from 28/09/2009

Versione Italiana
English version


Project in the development stage


Self-efficacy and entry into the workforce

By self-efficacy we mean a set of beliefs that we hold concerning our ability to organize and do what is necessary to reach certain objectives. Usually we try to achieve what gives us a sense of satisfaction and personal value and we try to avoid doing that which goes against personal standards or ideals of behavior and causes dissatisfaction and self-blame. These choices are at times determined by a sense of self-efficacy that we perceive when we are about to do, or not do, something. By the term self-efficacy we mean how much a person believes he/she is capable of doing all that is necessary to obtain a desired result. But not only. Self-efficacy allows reflection on the obstacles and the resources that stop or facilitate accomplishment. A sense of self-efficacy is built through different types of experience, gained through direct action, the influence of others and from society. A perceived sense of self-efficacy in youth is formed differently than in adulthood. How does it influence the way someone presents himself and faces the world of work for the first time?

